Now Life Style is saving lives. Who's life  would you like to save first.

Famlily and Friends or complete strangers?

Time to start chasing Family and Friends with NLS 7 minutes workout. Help them get stronger, and live longer like you, so as to enjoy the new extra passive income in this exciting Family Business.

How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by 2 Family Binary Tree Plan?
Here's the break down 
Level 1: 2 ( ( 2 of  Your Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier)( Each sponsoring 2)
Check it out here?
 How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by2 to14 levels  Family Tree Plan?
The Secret is if you have more than 2 Family members, you should sponsor Just 2 and let the others be sponsored by your existing downline family members.( One on each leg)


Here's the break down of each level:
Level 1: ( 2 of  Your Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier
)( Each sponsoring 2)
Level 2: ( 4 
Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier)( Each sponsoring 2)
Level 3: ( 8 
 Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier)( Each sponsoring 2)
Level 4: 16
Level 5: 32
Level 6: 64
Level 7: 128
Level 8: 256
Level 9: ( 512 
 Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier)( Each sponsoring 2)
Level 10: 1,024
Level 11: 2,048
Level 12: 4,096
Level 13: 8,192
Level 14: ( 16,384 
 Family members who need to get healthier & wealthier)( Each sponsoring 2)
Total: 32,766

Usually Just 2 of these 32,766 have to be personally sponsored by you for you to earn commission from all 32,766 downline team members.
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How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by 2 (14 Levels) Binary Commission Plan? (  32,766)
How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by (28 Levels Commission Plan?
How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by 2 by 100  Binary Commission Plan?
How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by 2 by 1000 Binary Commission Plan?
How many commissions can you earn in a 2 by 2 by INFINITY Binary Commission Plan?
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2by2 NLS to Infinity Levels grows like a root system of a  tree.

Is it hard to get your 2by2 Root System business growing?  


Some people can sponsor their first 2 people in hours, some take weeks and others take months. Why do some people sponsor 2 quickly and others take so long? May be they have discovered how to make it a Family Business so as to duplicate and leverage quickly.

Joel Therien started with his Family and Friends. 

No wonder he Likes, Loves and Laughs daily with NLS, on Facebook. 

Good news is it’s hard to stop it growing when it starts to grow by itself!

Imagine if we could get each members sponsoring just 2 Family members.